
Welcome to the Irish Laser Association website.  Anyone may read the information on the website but only members can post “Buy & Sell” advertisements and enter events.

You can access the Members Area if you are current ILA Member.  The current membership cost is €30 (with additional sailors in the family costing €20 each).  The membership year runs from 1st January to the 31st of December.  These changes were agreed at the AGM held on 24th August 2018.  You will need to renew your membership to access your account to enter events/post on “buy and sell”.

You will be prompted to renew when you input your login details.  A receipt will be sent to your email account.  You do not need to have a PayPal account to enter – just a credit/debit card.   

You will only have to enter your information once and verify it before entering each event (please ensure you update if you are changing rigs/changed boats etc). You can also post, edit and delete your “Buy and Sell” advertisements. 

Sailors intending to travel outside Ireland should ensure that they take their current Membership card with them.  If you wish to obtain your card please contact the Membership Secretary directly who will be happy to assist you.  In case of difficulty, you should seek a membership verification letter from [email protected]. You must be a current member of the Irish Laser Association to enter Regional/National events.

Any problems please email [email protected].


Aidan Staunton ([email protected])



Hon. Treasurer   – Nick Walsh ([email protected])

Membership Secretary – Celine​ McGrath ([email protected])

Connaught – Alex Fernie ([email protected])
Leinster – Gavin Murphy
Munster – Nick Walsh/Ed Rice
Ulster – Vacant


Hon. Secratary:

Jim McMahon ([email protected])


Website / Publicity Officer –      Robbie Walker

Training Officer –      Ross O Leary /Ashling Kelleher

Events Coordinator – Ed Rice

Child Protection Officer – Vacant

Hon. Auditor –         Stephen O’Shaughnessy            

ILCA Measurer –        Ed Rice – Jim Mc Mahon



Webmaster  – [email protected]

SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS – See links on the top of the page

Many thanks to Simon McIlwaine of Wavelength Image for the kind use of his photographs taken at the Irish Laser Nationals in August, 2017.


Useful Links

International Laser Class Association.

ILCA European Region

World Sailing

Irish Sailing